Our Privacy Policy - GRYF HB, spol. s r.o.

This Privacy Policy describes how GRYF HB, spol. s r.o. treats customer personal information on the websites and mobile apps where it is located (in this policy we call these our Platforms). Your use of this Platform indicates you agree to our collection, use and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

We collect information from and about you.

We collect contact information.

For example, we collect your name and mailing address if you register with us. We also collect email addresses and phone numbers. If you register we will also have you create a password.

We collect information about your use of the Platforms.

This includes browsing activity, how you interact with our websites and mobile apps, the products that you buy, and search terms entered.

We collect information you submit online.

This includes information you post when you interact with us on social media platforms. We collect demographic information and information about product preferences. This includes collecting your age and gender.

We collect information about your device and location.

We collect the type of device you use to access our Platform. We also collect information about the type of browser you are using. And, we may look at what site you came from or what site you go to when you leave us. If you are using our apps, we may also collect your device identification number or the advertising ID. If you use our app, we may look at how often you use the app and where you downloaded it.

We collect information from you in different ways.

We collect information directly from you.

This includes when you create an account our purchase product. We also collect information if you contact customer service or sign up for our newsletter.

We collect information passively.

We use tracking tools like browser cookies and web beacons. We use these tools on our websites and in emails we send to you. We may also use these tools in our mobile app. We collect information about users over time when you use our Platforms.

We combine information we collect from different sources.

We combine offline and online information. We also combine information across multiple devices. We also combine information we get from a third party with information we already have about you.

We use information as disclosed and described here.

We use your information to provide you with products and services.

This includes sending you a product you purchase or processing a return. It also includes sending you newsletters you signed up to receive.

We use information to improve our products and Platforms.

We may use your information to make our Platforms or products better. We may also use your information to customize your experience with us. This includes understanding your interests and preferences. We use your information to respond to your requests. This includes responding to customer inquiries.

We use your information to communicate with you about our relationship.

We may communicate with you about your account or our relationship. This includes electronic messages (as SMS or push notifications) and calls about order status. We may also contact you about this Policy or our Platform Terms & Conditions.

We use your information for marketing purposes.

We may provide you with information about new products and special offers. We may also serve you ads, personalized or not, about products and offers. We might tell you about new features or updates. These might be third party offers or products we think you might find interesting. For more information about your choices see the Choices section below.

We use information for security

and fraud prevention purposes. We may use your information to protect our company and our customers. We also use information to protect our websites and apps.

We use information as otherwise permitted by law or as we may notify you.



You have certain choices about how we use your information.

You can opt out of receiving our marketing emails.

To stop receiving our promotional emails follow the instructions in any promotional message you get from us. Even if you opt out of getting marketing messages, we will still send you transactional messages. These include responses to your questions.

You can control cookies and tracking tools.

Your browser may give you the ability to control cookies or other tracking tools. How you do so depends on the type of tool. Certain browsers can be set to reject browser cookies. To control flash cookies, which we may use on certain websites from time to time, you can go to http://www.aboutads.info/choices/. Why? Because flash cookies cannot be controlled through your browser settings.

Our Do Not Track Policy:

Some browsers have “do not track” features that allow you to tell a website not to track you. These features are not all uniform. We do not currently respond to those signals. If you block cookies, certain features on our sites may not work. If you block or reject cookies, not all of the tracking described here will stop.

You can control tools on your mobile devices.

For example, you can turn off the Bluetooth, GPS locator, push notifications or your advertising ID in your phone settings.

Options you select are browser and device specific.

These sites are not intended for children.

Our Platforms are meant for adults. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from children under 13. If you are a parent or legal guardian and think your child has given us information, you can write to us at the address listed at the end of this website Policy.

We use standard security measures.

The Internet is not 100% secure. We cannot promise that your use of our Platform will be completely safe. We encourage you to use caution when using the Internet. A username and a password are needed to access certain areas of our Platform. It is your responsibility to protect your username and password.

We may link to platforms or have third party tools on our platforms we don’t control.

If you click on a link to a third party site, you will be taken to a site we do not control. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third parties. This includes third parties who may have ads or content on our site. We suggest that you read their privacy policies carefully.

Conservation period of information

We store your information as long as it is necessary to keep it. There is not a specific range for how long we can keep it, as long as you will be our customer or client we will have your information. Even if you will not interact with our website we can still send you a newsletter for example.

You can contact us if you have questions.

If you have additional questions about our privacy practices you can email us at info@gryf.cz

We may change this Policy.

From time to time, we may change our privacy policy. We will notify you of any material changes to our Policy as required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our Platforms. Please check our Platforms periodically for updates.